In order to manage entities like customers, prospects and / or suppliers (called Tiers), you must use the "Third Party" module. This module is a prerequisite for many other modules that are based on these concepts (invoices, orders, contracts, proposals, etc. ...).
To use this module, you must first enable it using an administrator account, via the menu option "Home - Setup - Modules".
Choose the tab where the module is listed. Then click on "Activate" :
To define contacts to a third party, there are several possibilities for this :
- Go to menu Third Parties - Contacts/Addresses - New contact/address. Enter the information (you do not have to complete all fields). This will create a contact that cannot be linked to third :
- On third, go to the customer or supplier tab and click on "Create Contact". Enter the requested information (you do not have to complete all fields). This will create a contact linked to third :
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